Teething can be very trying for both the babies and the parents, especially as it lasts for nearly three years.
The Four Stages Of Teething
Babies have a complete set of 20 primary teeth below the surface of their gums, called milk teeth.
Stage 1 – Between 6 to 8 months: The upper and lower incisors now emerge.
Stage 2 – Between 10 to 14 months: The upper and lower molars appear in the back of the babys’ mouth.
Stage 3 – Between 16 to 22 months: The canines make their entrance.
Stage 4 – Between 25 – 33 months: The biggest teeth, the large molars will now make their way through the gums. It’s often the most painful stage.
Symptoms Of Teething
- Swollen and tender gums – there’s a lot happening inside those little gums.
- Irritability and crying – Pain makes anyone, cranky. Adult pain relief is not something you can give anyone younger than twelve.
- Drooling – If not wiped away this will cause skin rashes around the baby’s mouth and on their chin.
- Biting and chewing – On anything they can put in their mouths. The pressure soothes the pain and distracts the baby.
- A slight temperature
- Disrupted sleep – It’s hard to sleep when you’re in pain.
- Poor appetite – The combination of symptoms would make anyone disinclined to eat.
Take the baby to the paediatrician if the baby has:
- A rising fever – if the baby’s temperature rises above 100.4.
- Cheek rubbing and ear pulling – this could also be symptoms of an ear infection.
- A cough – this could also a symptom of a cold.
- Diarrhoea – Babies can dehydrate alarmingly quickly, and it can be a symptom of something else.
How To Comfort Your Baby
- Rubber teething toys and rings – Read and follow the instructions carefully. Be very careful of items that are filled with liquid, are made of plastic or other harmful substances like lead.
- Healthy, chewable or cold foods – For babies that are 6 months or older. Always keep a sharp eye on the baby in case they choke.
- Cold items – But never frozen ones as that can damage the baby’s lips ang gums.
- Gentle face or gum massage – Make sure to only use a clean finger
- Breast milk – Nursing is a great comfort to a cranky baby, but they can end up nipple chewing. If the baby rejects the nipple they may settle with a bottle.
- Cool water in a sippy cup.
- Cuddles and play to distract them from the pain.
Avoid the following:
- Teething gels – there’s not much evidence that teething gels work, including homeopathic gels. Unlicensed homeopathic gels have had serious side effects. Many contain a mild anaesthetic. Non-medicated options should always be tried first. If in doubt, ask your paediatrician.
- Teething necklaces, including amber necklaces – these are a potential choking hazard and there is no evidence they work.
- General oral pain relief is NOT suitable for children (or animals).
If you are in any doubt about your child’s symptoms or which teething relief is best, ask your paediatrician.
If your children need dental care, contact us on 0508 TEAM DENTAL and make an appointment today. Help your child’s teeth stay healthy and strong for life!