Easing Dental Anxiety
How keen would you be to use a toothpaste made of ground oxen hooves, combined with bitter tasting yet agreeably aromatic myrrh, eggshells, and cement-like, mildly earth-flavouring? Be thankful you didn’t live in Egypt 3000BC.
How keen would you be to use a toothpaste made of ground oxen hooves, combined with bitter tasting yet agreeably aromatic myrrh, eggshells, and cement-like, mildly earth-flavouring? Be thankful you didn’t live in Egypt 3000BC.
(Or The Rise Of The Water Flossers, WaterPiks, And Other Trends In Oral Health Care) Radical thoughts lead to revolutions. Here’s a radical thought – you can damage your gums
Let’s embark on a journey into the world of dental imaging with Panorex or Orthopantomogram (OPG) X-rays, a superhero in the arsenal of dentistry. And guess what? Team Dental is
Santa, apparently, keeps a record during the year, rewarding people according to their behaviour – coal for bad behaviour, a wish list option for good behaviour. There’d be a lot
In 1944, music teacher Donald Gardner found inspiration for a holiday classic while substituting for a second-grade class. Observing the lisps of children eagerly sharing their Christmas wishes, Gardner penned
With sincerest apologies to Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that the majority of men are, apparently, afraid of the dentist. Why this should be the case is