Veneers And What You Can Expect

What are Dental Veneers?

John dug into the bag of tropical tree nuts looking for the one he liked the best – an almond, still in its shell. Ah ha! He popped it into his mouth and bit down.

Tooth enamel is harder than bone. It protects blood vessels and nerves in your teeth, but can break as a result of an accident, cavities, or biting into something hard. A broken tooth shouldn’t be left unattended, especially if it’s painful. Like John, you will need to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

The solution will probably be a veneer. Veneers are one of the best ways to repair:

  • Broken teeth
  • Chipped, cracked teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Short, mismatched teeth
  • Teeth suffering from wear and tear from aging.

These super-thin, custom-made porcelain or composite shells are applied to the front of your teeth., as they are tinted to match your other teeth. If you are having more than one veneer done, they are matched to suit your complexion.

What can you expect on Dental Veneers?

What can you expect when you have a veneer created?

Let’s consider pain first. It is, after all, pain that most people worry about most of all when they visit the dentist. Your dentist will give you a local anaesthetic. Not only is the procedure then painless and you shouldn’t even feel any discomfort.

The cost of veneers differs between composite, porcelain, or ultra-thin porcelain laminates. Composite ones are made in the dental surgery. Porcelain veneers need to be made in the lab. Porcelain laminates can cost more than the others.

Depending on the type of veneer you’re having done you may need two or more appointments.

Temporary veneers are created from moulds taken of your teeth. The temporary veneers are sculpted with liquid composite. The shape of your face and how your mouth moves when you talk are also factors that come into play.

These are a test-run set of veneers for you to wear for a week to see how they fit. At your next appointment you can discuss any issues or changes needed. Once the veneers are right the final set will be applied.

The application of veneers isn’t done the same way as crowns. Unlike crowns only a thin shaving is removed from the front of your tooth rather than your tooth being ground down to a nub. Sometimes even a shaving isn’t necessary. Once the surface is prepared the veneer shell is then applied.

Recovery times can vary from person to person. Your gum has been cut so they will be red and sore. Pain relief, a nutrient-rich oral gel, and a mineral rinse can all speed up the healing.

Post-operative care is important. All your teeth, including those with veneers, can suffer from wear, tear, gum recession, bruxisim (teeth grinding), movement, and a shifting bite.

Exceptional oral care, such as regular brushing twice a day, flossing, drinking lots of water, and twice-yearly dental check-ups are essential. That’s the only way to make sure your veneers stay in perfect condition.


If you have chipped, cracked, broken or stained teeth, please contact us on 0508 TEAM DENTAL and set up an appointment today. We’ll make an assessment and talk through which solutions are best.

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